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Calvert Grading and Feedback
This page provides examples of different types of feedback you will receive from your teachers. Examine the different examples below to see the different questions and feedback types.

How You Are Graded


Below is a picture of what the screen will look like when you are in a class. To review feedback you received on an assignment, you will look for the blue review button and a numerical grade next to it. Then, click on “Review”



Your feedback will appear as indicated in the photo below. Take a look at the feedback the student received in question number 3:

Essay Questions


Your English courses may require you to complete an essay or several essays. Below is an example of an essay that has strong organization, focus, punctuation, and grammar. Click to see the essay and review the comments to see how the essay is organized and pay attention to the feedback provided to learn how you may receive feedback for your writing.

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